Import calendar CALID=3 "Bereitschaft".
Skip ICAL event "Sanitätsdienst Atemschutzübungsanlage" because its is in the past (05.03.2015-05.03.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Sanitätsdienst 30. Kaiserstuhllauf" because its is in the past (08.03.2015-08.03.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend" because its is in the past (12.03.2015-12.03.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Wettkampf Vereine Schießen" because its is in the past (05.03.2015-05.03.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Sanitätsdienst Gewerbeausstellung" because its is in the past (10.05.2015-10.05.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend" because its is in the past (26.03.2015-26.03.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Sanitätsdienst Freiburg Marathon" because its is in the past (29.03.2015-29.03.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Vorstellung Leistungsmodul Erstversorgung" because its is in the past (09.04.2015-09.04.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Infoabend Flüchtlingshilfe" because its is in the past (13.04.2015-13.04.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Besprechung Vorstandswahlen" because its is in the past (09.04.2015-09.04.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Arbeitskreis Weintage" because its is in the past (20.04.2015-20.04.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SAN Dienst Vertreterversammlung Voba" because its is in the past (23.04.2015-23.04.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend Funk" because its is in the past (25.06.2015-25.06.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend Kommunikation" because its is in the past (23.04.2015-23.04.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Sanitätsdienst "Fest der Besten"" because its is in the past (28.04.2015-28.04.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend Bereitschaftsversammlung / Konzept EvO" because its is in the past (07.05.2015-07.05.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Sanitätsdienst Radrennen" because its is in the past (25.05.2015-25.05.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Sanitätsdienst Seniorenausflug Gemeinde" because its is in the past (13.05.2015-13.05.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Sanitätsdienst Gauliga-KM-Turnwettkampf" because its is in the past (17.05.2015-17.05.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Ihringer Weintage" because its is in the past (05.06.2015-08.06.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Weintage Aufbauen" because its is in the past (01.06.2015-01.06.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Weintage Aufbauen" because its is in the past (02.06.2015-02.06.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Weintage Aufbauen" because its is in the past (03.06.2015-03.06.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Weintage Aufbauen" because its is in the past (04.06.2015-04.06.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Sanitätsdienst Herbert Grönemeyer" because its is in the past (04.06.2015-04.06.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Weintage Aufbauen" because its is in the past (05.06.2015-05.06.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Weintage Abbauen" because its is in the past (09.06.2015-09.06.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Sanitätsdienst Reitturnier" because its is in the past (15.08.2015-16.08.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Diabetikerlauf" because its is in the past (13.06.2015-13.06.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Sanitätsdienst Mudiator" because its is in the past (14.06.2015-14.06.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Übung THW/DRK Breisach" because its is in the past (27.06.2015-27.06.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Abgesagt! Sanitätsdienst VfR Jugend & Straße" because its is in the past (04.07.2015-05.07.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Sanitätsdienst Sunrise Avenue" because its is in the past (04.07.2015-04.07.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Sanitätsdienst Gesamtübung Feuerwehr" because its is in the past (04.07.2015-04.07.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Sanitätsdienst Weinfest Freiburg" because its is in the past (07.07.2015-08.07.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Sanitätsdienst Weinfest Merdingen" because its is in the past (07.09.2015-08.09.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Sanitätsdienst Weinfest Merdingen" because its is in the past (05.09.2015-06.09.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Busy" of ICAL calendar "Bereitschaft" because its is marked as busy.
Skip ICAL event "Sanitätsdienst Umzug - Winzerkapelle Wasenweiler" because its is in the past (12.07.2015-12.07.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Sanitätsdienst Western Reitturnier" because its is in the past (18.07.2015-19.07.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Sternfahrt der Bereitschaften" because its is in the past (17.07.2015-17.07.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend: Brandverletzungen" because its is in the past (23.07.2015-23.07.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend: Material Arztwagen" because its is in the past (24.09.2015-24.09.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Betreuung: "Bergwerk Münstertal" (Sommerferienprogramm)" because its is in the past (20.08.2015-20.08.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Betreuung: "Rund ums Pferd" (Sommerferienprogramm)" because its is in the past (18.08.2015-18.08.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend: Arztwagen" because its is in the past (03.09.2015-03.09.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Sanitätsdienst Tag des Pferdes" because its is in the past (03.10.2015-03.10.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Sanitätsdienst Regioturnier" because its is in the past (04.10.2015-04.10.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Sanitätsdienst Triathlon" because its is in the past (13.09.2015-13.09.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Herbstabschlussübung am 27. September" because its is in the past (27.09.2015-27.09.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Packaktion Flüchtlingshilfe" because its is in the past (09.10.2015-09.10.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Packaktion Flüchtlingshilfe" because its is in the past (14.10.2015-14.10.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Grundausbildung: Rotkreuz-Einführungsseminar" because its is in the past (31.10.2015-31.10.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Grundausbildung: Funk Teil I" because its is in the past (10.10.2015-10.10.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Grundausbildung: Funk Teil II" because its is in the past (11.10.2015-11.10.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Fire & Night" because its is in the past (31.10.2015-31.10.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Sanitätsdienst Herbstausklang" because its is in the past (18.10.2015-18.10.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend: Diabetes mellitus" because its is in the past (29.10.2015-29.10.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Nachtübung Gesamtwehr" because its is in the past (02.11.2015-02.11.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Sanitätsdienst Atemschutzübungsanlage" because its is in the past (11.11.2015-11.11.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend: LifeVest" because its is in the past (12.11.2015-12.11.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend: Allergische Reaktionen" because its is in the past (10.12.2015-10.12.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Jahresausflug" because its is in the past (23.07.2016-24.07.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Weihnachtsfeier" because its is in the past (03.12.2015-03.12.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "HLW Training Feuerwehr" because its is in the past (12.01.2016-12.01.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Schulungsabend Feuerwehr" because its is in the past (01.02.2016-01.02.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend" because its is in the past (01.09.2016-01.09.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Fire Night" because its is in the past (31.10.2016-31.10.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD Fastnachtsumzug Merdingen" because its is in the past (31.01.2016-31.01.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Übung mit der Feuerwehr" because its is in the past (04.06.2016-04.06.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD Gauliga Turnverein" because its is in the past (05.06.2016-05.06.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD Westernturnier" because its is in the past (09.07.2016-10.07.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD Mudiator Freiburg" because its is in the past (09.07.2016-09.07.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD Kaiserstuhl-Triathlon" because its is in the past (11.09.2016-11.09.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Übung mit der Feuerwehr" because its is in the past (03.09.2016-03.09.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend Dokumentation + Datenschutz" because its is in the past (28.01.2016-28.01.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD Biathlon" because its is in the past (14.01.2016-18.01.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Leistungsmodul: Dienstabend / Sanitätsdienst Teil 1/4" because its is in the past (10.02.2016-10.02.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "EH-Training Jugendfeuerwehr" because its is in the past (29.01.2016-29.01.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD Rosenmontagsumzug Freiburg" because its is in the past (08.02.2016-08.02.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD Familiensporttag VfR" because its is in the past (19.06.2016-19.06.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD VfR Jugendturnier" because its is in the past (18.06.2016-18.06.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "AG Weintage" because its is in the past (07.03.2016-07.03.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend" because its is in the past (25.02.2016-25.02.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Wettkampf Vereineschießen" because its is in the past (04.03.2016-04.03.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend Sanitätsdienst Teil 2/4 (Sportverletzungen)" because its is in the past (10.03.2016-10.03.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD Kaiserstuhllauf" because its is in the past (13.03.2016-13.03.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD AÜA Feuerwehr" because its is in the past (03.03.2016-03.03.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD 13. Freiburg Marathon" because its is in the past (03.04.2016-03.04.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD Seniorenausflug der Gemeinde" because its is in the past (11.05.2016-11.05.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Busy" of ICAL calendar "Bereitschaft" because its is marked as busy.
Skip ICAL event ""Dankeabend" Evangelische Kirchengemeinde" because its is in the past (09.04.2016-09.04.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Übungssamstag Technische Hilfeleistung Feuerwehr+DRK (Gesamtwehr)" because its is in the past (02.04.2016-02.04.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Busy" of ICAL calendar "Bereitschaft" because its is marked as busy.
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend: Dienstabend Sanitätsdienst Teil 3/4" because its is in the past (07.04.2016-07.04.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Busy" of ICAL calendar "Bereitschaft" because its is marked as busy.
Skip ICAL event "SFP Unterstützung JRK" because its is in the past (01.09.2016-01.09.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Busy" of ICAL calendar "Bereitschaft" because its is marked as busy.
Skip ICAL event "Fällt aus. Dienstabend:" because its is in the past (12.05.2016-12.05.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD Sea You Freiburg" because its is in the past (16.07.2016-17.07.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD Diabetikerwanderung Helios" because its is in the past (11.06.2016-11.06.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Busy" of ICAL calendar "Bereitschaft" because its is marked as busy.
Skip ICAL event "Fußball-EM: Kein Dienstabend" because its is in the past (16.06.2016-16.06.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Busy" of ICAL calendar "Bereitschaft" because its is marked as busy.
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend Fahrtraining" because its is in the past (30.06.2016-30.06.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend fällt aus!" because its is in the past (14.07.2016-14.07.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SFP "Rund ums Pferd"" because its is in the past (17.08.2016-17.08.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD Reitturnier" because its is in the past (06.08.2016-07.08.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD Ladies Run\, Kaiserstuhl Triathlon" because its is in the past (10.09.2016-10.09.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD Weinfest Bötzingen" because its is in the past (09.09.2016-10.09.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD WBO Turnier Tag des Pferd" because its is in the past (03.10.2016-03.10.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD Herbstausklang Ihringen" because its is in the past (16.10.2016-16.10.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Hochzeit Lisa+Marc" because its is in the past (10.09.2016-10.09.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Herbstabschlussübung" because its is in the past (25.09.2016-25.09.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Biathlon Ruhpolding" because its is in the past (12.01.2017-16.01.2017 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend Pflegebegleitung" because its is in the past (27.10.2016-27.10.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend AED Einweisung" because its is in the past (29.09.2016-29.09.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend Funkübung + Zwiebelkuchenessen" because its is in the past (10.11.2016-10.11.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend Apoplex" because its is in the past (24.11.2016-24.11.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Weihnachtsmarkt JRK" because its is in the past (27.11.2016-27.11.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Weihnachtsfeier" because its is in the past (09.12.2016-09.12.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Christbaumsammlung JRK" because its is in the past (14.01.2017-14.01.2017 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD Radrennen Merdingen" because its is in the past (05.06.2017-05.06.2017 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Herbstabschluss FFW" because its is in the past (24.09.2017-24.09.2017 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD Herbstausklang WG" because its is in the past (15.10.2017-15.10.2017 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend" because its is in the past (13.10.2016-13.10.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD AüA Hochdorf" because its is in the past (09.11.2016-09.11.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend "Infusion"" because its is in the past (15.09.2016-15.09.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD 14. Freiburg Marathon" because its is in the past (02.04.2017-02.04.2017 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD Fastnachtsumzug Merdingen" because its is in the past (19.02.2017-19.02.2017 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD Narrenumzug March" because its is in the past (08.01.2017-08.01.2017 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend: Sicherheit im Sanitätsdienst" because its is in the past (18.01.2017-18.01.2017 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Richten für Blutspende" because its is in the past (26.01.2017-26.01.2017 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD Räumungsübung Breisach" because its is in the past (08.11.2016-08.11.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD Räumungsübung Bötzingen/Gottenheim" because its is in the past (13.12.2016-13.12.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "FW Schulungsabend" because its is in the past (09.01.2017-09.01.2017 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "FW Nachtübung" because its is in the past (06.11.2017-06.11.2017 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "AüA Feuerwehr- Absicherung" because its is in the past (02.03.2017-02.03.2017 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD Rosenmontagsumzug Freiburg" because its is in the past (27.02.2017-27.02.2017 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend" because its is in the past (09.02.2017-09.02.2017 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Weihnachtsfeier" because its is in the past (08.12.2017-08.12.2017 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Siegerehrung Vereineschießen" because its is in the past (04.03.2017-04.03.2017 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "AG Weintage" because its is in the past (21.03.2017-21.03.2017 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD „Wein-Fass-Bar“ \, Lilienhof in Ihringen" because its is in the past (30.06.2017-01.07.2017 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Seniorenausflug Gemeinde Ihringen" because its is in the past (10.05.2017-10.05.2017 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Busy" of ICAL calendar "Bereitschaft" because its is marked as busy.
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend - bitte vollzählig!" because its is in the past (23.02.2017-23.02.2017 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Hochzeit Angi" because its is in the past (02.06.2017-02.06.2017 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Hochzeit Björn" because its is in the past (26.08.2017-26.08.2017 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Transplantation - öffentlicher Vortrag" because its is in the past (18.05.2017-18.05.2017 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Wettkampf Vereineschießen" because its is in the past (02.03.2017-02.03.2017 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend." because its is in the past (06.04.2017-06.04.2017 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend." because its is in the past (20.04.2017-20.04.2017 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Busy" of ICAL calendar "Bereitschaft" because its is marked as busy.
Skip ICAL event "Mitgliederversammlung DRK Ortsverein Ihringen+Wasenweiler" because its is in the past (27.04.2017-27.04.2017 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "[Abgesagt] Übungssamstag FW+DRK" because its is in the past (08.04.2017-08.04.2017 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD Kaiserstuhllauf" because its is in the past (12.03.2017-12.03.2017 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "[fällt aus] Dienstabend." because its is in the past (09.03.2017-09.03.2017 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD Reitturnier Ihringen" because its is in the past (19.08.2017-20.08.2017 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Defi Voba - Übergabe" because its is in the past (23.03.2017-23.03.2017 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Fällt aus!! Dienstabend" because its is in the past (04.05.2017-04.05.2017 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD Hockjogg - Neunlindenschule" because its is in the past (05.05.2017-05.05.2017 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD RÜ Breisach" because its is in the past (21.06.2017-21.06.2017 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD Gauliga KM TVI" because its is in the past (25.06.2017-25.06.2017 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD Ihringer Weintage" because its is in the past (16.06.2017-19.06.2017 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Begleitung Diabeteswanderung" because its is in the past (13.05.2017-13.05.2017 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend" because its is in the past (01.06.2017-01.06.2017 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SFP Unterstützung JRK" because its is in the past (09.08.2017-09.08.2017 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Optional: SWD Sea You Festival" because its is in the past (15.07.2017-16.07.2017 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD WBO Reitturnier Ihringen" because its is in the past (09.07.2017-09.07.2017 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD VfR Jugenturnier" because its is in the past (08.07.2017-08.07.2017 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD VfR Jugenturnier" because its is in the past (09.07.2017-09.07.2017 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD Ladies Run - Tri-Team Kaiserstuhl" because its is in the past (16.09.2017-16.09.2017 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD Weinfest Merdingen" because its is in the past (02.09.2017-03.09.2017 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD Weinfest Merdingen" because its is in the past (03.09.2017-04.09.2017 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "IKZ Übung FW + DRK" because its is in the past (05.08.2017-05.08.2017 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend" because its is in the past (03.08.2017-03.08.2017 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SFP "Rund ums Pferd"" because its is in the past (16.08.2017-16.08.2017 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Polterabend Björn" because its is in the past (05.08.2017-06.08.2017 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Biathlon Ruhpolding" because its is in the past (11.01.2018-15.01.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Christbaumsammlung JRK" because its is in the past (13.01.2018-13.01.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend" because its is in the past (16.11.2017-16.11.2017 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD Kaiserstuhl-Triathlon" because its is in the past (17.09.2017-17.09.2017 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD Fastnachtsumzug Merdingen" because its is in the past (04.02.2018-04.02.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Busy" of ICAL calendar "Bereitschaft" because its is marked as busy.
Skip ICAL event "Busy" of ICAL calendar "Bereitschaft" because its is marked as busy.
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend" because its is in the past (19.10.2017-19.10.2017 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD RÜ Bötzingen" because its is in the past (11.10.2017-11.10.2017 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD Badisches Oktoberfest" because its is in the past (13.10.2017-13.10.2017 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD Badisches Oktoberfest" because its is in the past (14.10.2017-14.10.2017 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD Badisches Oktoberfest" because its is in the past (20.10.2017-20.10.2017 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD Badisches Oktoberfest" because its is in the past (21.10.2017-21.10.2017 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD AüA Hochdorf" because its is in the past (07.11.2017-07.11.2017 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Schauübung DRK Eichstetten\, (optional)" because its is in the past (28.10.2017-28.10.2017 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Fire-Night FFW Wasenweiler" because its is in the past (31.10.2018-31.10.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Beginn Training Vereineschießen" because its is in the past (02.02.2018-02.02.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Aufbauen Weintage" because its is in the past (28.05.2018-28.05.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Aufbauen Weintage" because its is in the past (29.05.2018-29.05.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Aufbauen Weintage" because its is in the past (31.05.2018-31.05.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Fire-Night FFW Wasenweiler" because its is in the past (30.10.2017-30.10.2017 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend" because its is in the past (30.11.2017-30.11.2017 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "REANIMATION FUER ALLE: Herz-Lungen-Wiederbelebung mit Dr.Claudius Schmid" because its is in the past (02.11.2017-02.11.2017 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "REANIMATION FUER ALLE" because its is in the past (24.11.2017-24.11.2017 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Schulungsabend Funk mit der Feuerwehr" because its is in the past (04.12.2017-04.12.2017 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend." because its is in the past (05.02.2018-05.02.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend." because its is in the past (18.01.2018-18.01.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Blutspendentermin_" because its is in the past (26.01.2018-26.01.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Schulungsabend FW: ABCDE Schema\, Patientengerechte Rettung" because its is in the past (05.02.2018-05.02.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD Fastnachtsumzug Hartheim" because its is in the past (11.02.2018-11.02.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD Rosenmontagsumzug Freiburg" because its is in the past (12.02.2018-12.02.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend: ABCDE Schema Teil 1" because its is in the past (15.02.2018-15.02.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD AüA Hochdorf" because its is in the past (01.03.2018-01.03.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Siegerehrung Vereineschießen" because its is in the past (03.03.2018-03.03.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Infoveranstaltung: Patientenverfügung" because its is in the past (07.03.2018-07.03.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend: ABCDE Schema Teil 2" because its is in the past (15.03.2018-15.03.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend: Vorbereitung Übungssamstag" because its is in the past (05.04.2018-05.04.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD 14. Freiburg Marathon" because its is in the past (08.04.2018-08.04.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Mitgliederversammlung DRK Ortsverein Ihringen+Wasenweiler" because its is in the past (26.04.2018-26.04.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Seniorenausflug Gemeinde Ihringen" because its is in the past (09.05.2018-09.05.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "FAZ Eschbach\, Feuerwehr "Heißausbildung"" because its is in the past (16.05.2018-16.05.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend:" because its is in the past (17.05.2018-17.05.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD Radrennen Merdingen" because its is in the past (21.05.2018-21.05.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Ihringer Weintage" because its is in the past (01.06.2018-04.06.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Beginn Aufbau Weintage" because its is in the past (28.05.2018-28.05.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Abbauen Weintage" because its is in the past (05.06.2018-05.06.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Begleitung Diabeteswanderung" because its is in the past (09.06.2018-09.06.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend" because its is in the past (14.06.2018-14.06.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend: Fahrzeugkunde + Kameradschaftspflege" because its is in the past (28.06.2018-28.06.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD Sport und Spiel\, Landjugend" because its is in the past (03.08.2018-04.08.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD Sport und Spiel\, Landjugend" because its is in the past (04.08.2018-05.08.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Blutspendetermin" because its is in the past (03.08.2018-03.08.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD Reitturnier Ihringen" because its is in the past (18.08.2018-19.08.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD Tote Hosen Freiburg" because its is in the past (18.08.2018-18.08.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD AüA Hochdorf" because its is in the past (04.10.2018-04.10.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD Herbstausklang" because its is in the past (21.10.2018-21.10.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Weihnachtsmarkt (Rathausplatz)" because its is in the past (02.12.2018-02.12.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD Gauliga KM Turnverein Ihringen" because its is in the past (17.06.2018-17.06.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD Kaiserstuhllauf Ihringen" because its is in the past (11.03.2018-11.03.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Herbstabschluss Feuerwehr" because its is in the past (30.09.2018-30.09.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Wettkampf Vereineschießen" because its is in the past (02.03.2018-02.03.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Blutspende in Merdingen" because its is in the past (24.04.2018-24.04.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Übungssamstag mit der Feuerwehr" because its is in the past (14.04.2018-14.04.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Tagesausflug Baden-Baden" because its is in the past (14.07.2018-14.07.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD B2Run - Schwarzwaldstadion" because its is in the past (07.06.2018-07.06.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD Reitturnier Eichstetten" because its is in the past (24.06.2018-24.06.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD Iron Maiden" because its is in the past (30.06.2018-30.06.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD „Nena“ Kirchzarten" because its is in the past (25.06.2018-25.06.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD Sea You Festival" because its is in the past (15.07.2018-15.07.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD VfR Jugendturnier" because its is in the past (15.07.2018-15.07.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD VfR Jugendturnier" because its is in the past (14.07.2018-14.07.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Busy" of ICAL calendar "Bereitschaft" because its is marked as busy.
Skip ICAL event "SWD Weinfest Bötzingen" because its is in the past (14.09.2018-15.09.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend" because its is in the past (27.09.2018-27.09.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend" because its is in the past (25.10.2018-25.10.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "REANIMATION FUER ALLE: Herz-Lungen-Wiederbelebung" because its is in the past (16.11.2018-16.11.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Sanitätsdienst Badisches Oktoberfest" because its is in the past (12.10.2018-13.10.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Sanitätsdienst Badisches Oktoberfest" because its is in the past (13.10.2018-14.10.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Sanitätsdienst Badisches Oktoberfest" because its is in the past (19.10.2018-20.10.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Sanitätsdienst Badisches Oktoberfest" because its is in the past (20.10.2018-21.10.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend" because its is in the past (11.10.2018-11.10.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Christbaumsammlung JRK" because its is in the past (12.01.2019-12.01.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Blutspendetermin" because its is in the past (25.01.2019-25.01.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Mitgliederversammlung DRK Ortsverein Ihringen+Wasenweiler" because its is in the past (25.04.2019-25.04.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD Reitturnier" because its is in the past (17.08.2019-18.08.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD Badisches Oktoberfest" because its is in the past (11.10.2019-12.10.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD Badisches Oktoberfest" because its is in the past (18.10.2019-19.10.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Weihnachtsmarkt" because its is in the past (01.12.2019-01.12.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Nachtübung Verkehrsunfall" because its is in the past (05.11.2018-05.11.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Tunnelübung" because its is in the past (11.11.2018-11.11.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD Quadrillentag" because its is in the past (02.12.2018-02.12.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Fällt aus! Dienstabend" because its is in the past (08.11.2018-08.11.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend" because its is in the past (22.11.2018-22.11.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Weihnachtsfeier" because its is in the past (07.12.2018-07.12.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend" because its is in the past (20.12.2018-20.12.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Sanitätsausbildung 48 UE" because its is in the past (01.05.2019-05.05.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Biathlon Ruhpolding" because its is in the past (17.01.2019-20.01.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Schulungsabend Feuerwehr" because its is in the past (04.02.2019-04.02.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "FAZ Eschbach (optional)" because its is in the past (15.04.2019-15.04.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD Gauliga Km (TVI)" because its is in the past (30.06.2019-30.06.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "#Funkübung Feuerwehr" because its is in the past (03.08.2019-03.08.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Schauübung / Hock Feuerwehr" because its is in the past (29.09.2019-29.09.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Herbstausklang" because its is in the past (20.10.2019-20.10.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Fire Night (Feuerwehr Wasenweiler)" because its is in the past (31.10.2019-31.10.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Hlw Training öffentlich" because its is in the past (15.11.2019-15.11.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Nachtübung Feuerwehr" because its is in the past (13.11.2019-13.11.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Entfällt! Dienstabend" because its is in the past (06.12.2018-06.12.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD Umzug Merdingen" because its is in the past (24.02.2019-24.02.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD Narrenumzug March" because its is in the past (13.01.2019-13.01.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend" because its is in the past (07.02.2019-07.02.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend" because its is in the past (21.02.2019-21.02.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Blutspendetermin" because its is in the past (02.08.2019-02.08.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend" because its is in the past (21.03.2019-21.03.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD Kaiserstuhllauf" because its is in the past (10.03.2019-10.03.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Stressbewältigung im Einsatz (FW)" because its is in the past (12.03.2019-12.03.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SAN Training Eichstetten" because its is in the past (27.05.2019-27.05.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Patientenverfügung u. Vorsorgerecht" because its is in the past (20.02.2019-20.02.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD Rosenmontag Freiburg" because its is in the past (04.03.2019-04.03.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Aüa" because its is in the past (17.04.2019-17.04.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Aüa" because its is in the past (06.11.2019-06.11.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Diabetikerwanderung" because its is in the past (29.06.2019-29.06.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Wettkampf Vereineschießen" because its is in the past (07.03.2019-07.03.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Siegerehrung Vereineschießen" because its is in the past (09.03.2019-09.03.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "JRK MTW" because its is in the past (16.03.2019-16.03.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SAN Training Eichstetten" because its is in the past (11.03.2019-11.03.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD 1250 Jahr Feier Bötzingen" because its is in the past (31.05.2019-01.06.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend" because its is in the past (28.03.2019-28.03.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Übungsabend Jugendfeuerwehr" because its is in the past (29.03.2019-29.03.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD Freiburg Marathon" because its is in the past (07.04.2019-07.04.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend" because its is in the past (11.04.2019-11.04.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Sanitätsausbildung 48 UE Prüfung" because its is in the past (18.05.2019-19.05.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "IKZ Übung (Ihringen)" because its is in the past (04.05.2019-04.05.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Arbeitseinsatz: Rückbau Zaun - Neubau Garage" because its is in the past (11.05.2019-11.05.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD Seniorenausflug Gemeinde" because its is in the past (23.05.2019-23.05.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Fototermin - Gruppenfoto" because its is in the past (25.05.2019-25.05.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Weintage Aufbau" because its is in the past (17.06.2019-17.06.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Weintage Aufbau" because its is in the past (18.06.2019-18.06.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Ihringer Weintage - *Dienst nach Schichtplan*" because its is in the past (21.06.2019-24.06.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Weintage Aufbau" because its is in the past (19.06.2019-19.06.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Weintage Aufbau" because its is in the past (20.06.2019-20.06.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Weintage Abbau" because its is in the past (25.06.2019-25.06.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Arbeitseinsatz: Garagenbau" because its is in the past (31.05.2019-31.05.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD Hofgut Lilienhof" because its is in the past (02.07.2019-02.07.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD B2Run Schwarzwaldstadion Freiburg" because its is in the past (06.06.2019-06.06.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend" because its is in the past (13.06.2019-13.06.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD Hock-Jog" because its is in the past (28.06.2019-28.06.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD Sea you" because its is in the past (14.07.2019-14.07.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Weintage Nachlese" because its is in the past (18.07.2019-18.07.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD WBO Turnier" because its is in the past (28.07.2019-28.07.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD Weinfest Merdingen - So. 3 Uhr" because its is in the past (07.09.2019-07.09.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD Weinfest Eichstetten - So. 3 Uhr" because its is in the past (07.09.2019-07.09.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Weihnachtsfeier" because its is in the past (06.12.2019-06.12.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Arbeitseinsatz Garagenbau" because its is in the past (27.07.2019-27.07.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Arbeitseinsatz Garagenbau" because its is in the past (07.08.2019-07.08.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Arbeitseinsatz Garagenbau" because its is in the past (10.08.2019-10.08.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Biathlon Ruhpolding" because its is in the past (16.01.2020-20.01.2020 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD Mixed Team" because its is in the past (14.09.2019-14.09.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD Triathlon" because its is in the past (15.09.2019-15.09.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Blutspende Kaiserstuhlhalle" because its is in the past (24.01.2020-24.01.2020 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD Rosenmontagsumzug Freiburg" because its is in the past (24.02.2020-24.02.2020 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Blutspende Kaiserstuhlhalle" because its is in the past (07.08.2020-07.08.2020 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD Triathlon Mixed Team" because its is in the past (12.09.2020-12.09.2020 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD Triathlon" because its is in the past (13.09.2020-13.09.2020 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend" because its is in the past (31.10.2019-31.10.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Arbeitseinsatz Garagenbau" because its is in the past (02.11.2019-02.11.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event ""DRK Ausbildung" - Feuerwehr" because its is in the past (03.02.2020-03.02.2020 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Christbaumsammlung JRK" because its is in the past (11.01.2020-11.01.2020 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Neujahrsempfang Gemeinde" because its is in the past (06.01.2020-06.01.2020 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event ""Sonder/Wegerecht" - mit Feuerwehr" because its is in the past (13.01.2020-13.01.2020 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD Umzug Merdingen" because its is in the past (16.02.2020-16.02.2020 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend" because its is in the past (13.02.2020-13.02.2020 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend" because its is in the past (27.02.2020-27.02.2020 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD Umzug Hartheim" because its is in the past (23.02.2020-23.02.2020 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "AüA Begleitung Feuerwehr" because its is in the past (30.09.2020-30.09.2020 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Wettkampf Schießen" because its is in the past (05.03.2020-05.03.2020 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Siegerehrung Vereineschießen" because its is in the past (07.03.2020-07.03.2020 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD Kaiserstuhllauf" because its is in the past (08.03.2020-08.03.2020 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "ABGESAGT: SWD Freiburg Marathon" because its is in the past (29.03.2020-29.03.2020 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Abgesagt. Dienstabend" because its is in the past (12.03.2020-12.03.2020 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Abgesagt. Dienstabend" because its is in the past (26.03.2020-26.03.2020 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "ABGESAGT Mitgliederversammlung DRK" because its is in the past (07.05.2020-07.05.2020 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "ABGESAGT Dienstabend" because its is in the past (07.04.2020-07.04.2020 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "ABGESAGT AüA Begleitung Feuerwehr" because its is in the past (15.04.2020-15.04.2020 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "ABGESAGT Dienstabend" because its is in the past (23.04.2020-23.04.2020 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "ABGESAGT Ihringer Weintage" because its is in the past (12.06.2020-15.06.2020 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "ABGESAGT Reitturnier" because its is in the past (15.08.2020-16.08.2020 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "ABGESAGT SWD B2Run Schwarzwaldstadion Freiburg" because its is in the past (03.06.2020-03.06.2020 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "ABGESAGT Übung mit der Feuerwehr (Optional)" because its is in the past (18.05.2020-18.05.2020 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Pflastern Garage" because its is in the past (30.05.2020-30.05.2020 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "ABGESAGT SWD Gauliga-Wettkampf" because its is in the past (28.06.2020-28.06.2020 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "ABGESAGT Diabetikerwanderung" because its is in the past (04.07.2020-04.07.2020 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "ABGESAGT SWD VfR Jugend" because its is in the past (12.07.2020-12.07.2020 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Abgesagt SWD Herbstausklang" because its is in the past (18.10.2020-18.10.2020 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Zwiebelkuchen „Togo“ Feuerwehr Ihringen" because its is in the past (27.09.2020-27.09.2020 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "ABGESAGT SWD Badisches Oktoberfest" because its is in the past (09.10.2020-10.10.2020 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "ABGESAGT SWD Badisches Oktoberfest" because its is in the past (16.10.2020-17.10.2020 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "ABGESAGT Weihnachtsmarkt Rathausplatz / Schulhof" because its is in the past (29.11.2020-29.11.2020 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "ABGESAGT Funkübung mit FW (Optional)" because its is in the past (05.10.2020-05.10.2020 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "ABGESAGT SWD Reitturnier Reitverein Ihringen" because its is in the past (24.10.2020-24.10.2020 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "ABGESAGT SWD Reitturnier Reitverein Ihringen" because its is in the past (25.10.2020-25.10.2020 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Arbeitseinsatz Garage" because its is in the past (23.10.2020-23.10.2020 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "ABGESAGT Dienstabend" because its is in the past (29.10.2020-29.10.2020 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "ABGESAGT Dienstabend" because its is in the past (12.11.2020-12.11.2020 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "ABGESAGT FireNight FW Wasenweiler" because its is in the past (31.10.2020-31.10.2020 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Blutspende Kaiserstuhlhalle" because its is in the past (05.02.2021-05.02.2021 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend Online" because its is in the past (18.03.2021-18.03.2021 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "AüA Begleitung Feuerwehr (Hochdorf)" because its is in the past (26.05.2021-26.05.2021 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Handschuhe ausgeben" because its is in the past (18.04.2021-18.04.2021 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Dienst Impfzentrum Breisach" because its is in the past (31.05.2021-31.05.2021 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Grillabend Bereitschaft" because its is in the past (28.08.2021-28.08.2021 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Mitgliederversammlung" because its is in the past (12.08.2021-12.08.2021 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD Reitturnier" because its is in the past (21.08.2021-21.08.2021 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD Reitturnier" because its is in the past (22.08.2021-22.08.2021 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend" because its is in the past (07.10.2021-07.10.2021 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend" because its is in the past (21.10.2021-21.10.2021 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD Offener Herbstsonntag" because its is in the past (17.10.2021-17.10.2021 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend" because its is in the past (04.11.2021-04.11.2021 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Christbaumsammlung" because its is in the past (08.01.2022-08.01.2022 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD WBO Reitturnier" because its is in the past (23.10.2021-23.10.2021 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD WBO Reitturnier" because its is in the past (24.10.2021-24.10.2021 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "AÜA/FÜABegleitung Feuerwehr (Hochdorf /Bremgarten)" because its is in the past (10.11.2021-10.11.2021 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Nachtübung mit FFW" because its is in the past (08.11.2021-08.11.2021 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD Freiburg Marathon" because its is in the past (03.04.2022-03.04.2022 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend" because its is in the past (18.11.2021-18.11.2021 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Blutspende Kaiserstuhlhalle" because its is in the past (04.02.2022-04.02.2022 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Blutspende Kaiserstuhlhalle" because its is in the past (29.07.2022-29.07.2022 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "[Abgesagt] SWD Biathlon Ruhpolding" because its is in the past (14.01.2022-17.01.2022 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Gemeinderat-Sitzung Kaiserstuhlhalle" because its is in the past (04.04.2022-04.04.2022 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "AÜA Eschbach" because its is in the past (20.04.2022-20.04.2022 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Mitgliederversammlung" because its is in the past (14.07.2022-14.07.2022 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD WBO Reitturnier" because its is in the past (16.07.2022-16.07.2022 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Ihringer Weintage" because its is in the past (17.06.2022-20.06.2022 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Weintage Dach aufbauen" because its is in the past (13.06.2022-13.06.2022 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Weintage Abbau" because its is in the past (21.06.2022-21.06.2022 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD WeinFassBar Wasenweiler" because its is in the past (24.06.2022-25.06.2022 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend (Weintage)" because its is in the past (19.05.2022-19.05.2022 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "[Abgesagt] Großübung in Merdingen" because its is in the past (21.05.2022-21.05.2022 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD Merdingen" because its is in the past (29.05.2022-29.05.2022 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Blutspende Kaiserstuhlhalle" because its is in the past (06.08.2021-06.08.2021 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend" because its is in the past (09.06.2022-09.06.2022 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend" because its is in the past (30.06.2022-30.06.2022 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Weintage aufbauen" because its is in the past (15.06.2022-15.06.2022 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Weintage Aufbau" because its is in the past (16.06.2022-16.06.2022 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend" because its is in the past (11.08.2022-11.08.2022 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD Tote Hosen" because its is in the past (23.07.2022-23.07.2022 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD SeaYou" because its is in the past (17.07.2022-17.07.2022 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD B2RUN EP-Stadion" because its is in the past (07.07.2022-07.07.2022 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Busy" of ICAL calendar "Bereitschaft" because its is marked as busy.
Skip ICAL event "Busy" of ICAL calendar "Bereitschaft" because its is marked as busy.
Skip ICAL event "SWD WBO Reitturnier" because its is in the past (17.07.2022-17.07.2022 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Fällt aus. Dienstabend" because its is in the past (28.07.2022-28.07.2022 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend" because its is in the past (08.09.2022-08.09.2022 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend" because its is in the past (25.08.2022-25.08.2022 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Herbstübung Feuerwehr" because its is in the past (25.09.2022-25.09.2022 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend" because its is in the past (22.09.2022-22.09.2022 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend" because its is in the past (20.10.2022-20.10.2022 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD Herbstausklang" because its is in the past (16.10.2022-16.10.2022 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD Reitturnier" because its is in the past (20.08.2022-20.08.2022 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD Reitturnier" because its is in the past (21.08.2022-21.08.2022 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend „Corpuls Einweisung“" because its is in the past (10.11.2022-10.11.2022 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Ausgefallen. Dienstabend" because its is in the past (06.10.2022-06.10.2022 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Reanimationstraining" because its is in the past (24.11.2022-24.11.2022 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend" because its is in the past (08.12.2022-08.12.2022 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Erste Hilfe Ausbildung Feuerwehr" because its is in the past (09.01.2023-09.01.2023 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Christbaumsammlung" because its is in the past (14.01.2023-14.01.2023 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Herbstübung Feuerwehr" because its is in the past (24.09.2023-24.09.2023 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD Herbstausklang" (20.10.2024) because its is up to date.
Skip ICAL event "SWD Herbstausklang" because its is in the past (15.10.2023-15.10.2023 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Weihnachtsmarkt\, Unterstützung JRK" because its is in the past (27.11.2022-27.11.2022 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD Freiburg Marathon" because its is in the past (26.03.2023-26.03.2023 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD Sea You Festival" because its is in the past (14.07.2023-16.07.2023 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD Heroes Festival" because its is in the past (08.09.2023-09.09.2023 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Weihnachtsfeier" because its is in the past (10.12.2022-10.12.2022 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend" because its is in the past (22.12.2022-22.12.2022 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Neujahrsempfang Gemeinde Ihringen / Aula" because its is in the past (06.01.2023-06.01.2023 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD Ruhpolding Biathlon" because its is in the past (12.01.2023-16.01.2023 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend" because its is in the past (16.02.2023-16.02.2023 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend" because its is in the past (16.03.2023-16.03.2023 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend" because its is in the past (30.03.2023-30.03.2023 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend" because its is in the past (13.04.2023-13.04.2023 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend" because its is in the past (25.05.2023-25.05.2023 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend" because its is in the past (06.07.2023-06.07.2023 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend" because its is in the past (20.07.2023-20.07.2023 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend" because its is in the past (14.09.2023-14.09.2023 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend" because its is in the past (28.09.2023-28.09.2023 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend" because its is in the past (12.10.2023-12.10.2023 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend" because its is in the past (26.10.2023-26.10.2023 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend" because its is in the past (23.11.2023-23.11.2023 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend" because its is in the past (07.12.2023-07.12.2023 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Beginn Sommerpause" because its is in the past (31.07.2023-31.07.2023 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Ende Sommerpause" because its is in the past (31.08.2023-31.08.2023 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD B2Run Europapark-Stadion" because its is in the past (22.06.2023-22.06.2023 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Beginn Training Vereineschießen Mo u. Mi" because its is in the past (06.02.2023-06.02.2023 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Blutspende" because its is in the past (03.02.2023-03.02.2023 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Mitgliederversammlung DRK" because its is in the past (04.05.2023-04.05.2023 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend" because its is in the past (27.04.2023-27.04.2023 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend" because its is in the past (19.01.2023-19.01.2023 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend" because its is in the past (02.02.2023-02.02.2023 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD AÜA Füba" because its is in the past (06.11.2023-06.11.2023 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Nachtübung mit der Feuerwehr" because its is in the past (13.11.2023-13.11.2023 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD Kaiserstuhllauf" because its is in the past (12.03.2023-12.03.2023 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Fire-Night Wasenweiler" because its is in the past (31.10.2023-31.10.2023 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD Radrennen Merdingen" because its is in the past (06.06.2022-06.06.2022 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Wettkampf Vereineschießen" because its is in the past (02.03.2023-02.03.2023 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Fällt aus:Dienstabend" because its is in the past (02.03.2023-02.03.2023 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Blutspende" because its is in the past (28.07.2023-28.07.2023 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD AÜA Füba" because its is in the past (27.02.2023-27.02.2023 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Siegerehrung Vereineschießen" because its is in the past (04.03.2023-04.03.2023 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Einsatzübung mit der Feuerwehr" because its is in the past (03.04.2023-03.04.2023 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Seniorenausflug der Gemeinde" because its is in the past (30.05.2023-30.05.2023 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend „Weintage“" because its is in the past (11.05.2023-11.05.2023 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD Breisach Marktplatz" because its is in the past (13.05.2023-13.05.2023 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD Empfang SC Frauen -Rathausplatz Freiburg" because its is in the past (21.05.2023-21.05.2023 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD Briem & friends feat." because its is in the past (17.05.2023-18.05.2023 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Weintage Aufbau" because its is in the past (07.06.2023-07.06.2023 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Weintage Aufbau" because its is in the past (08.06.2023-08.06.2023 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Weintage Abbauen" because its is in the past (13.06.2023-13.06.2023 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Ihringer Weintage" because its is in the past (09.06.2023-12.06.2023 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Weintage Aufbau - Dach aufbauen" because its is in the past (05.06.2023-05.06.2023 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Entfällt. IKZ Übung" because its is in the past (17.06.2023-17.06.2023 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Entfällt. SWD Diabeteswanderung" because its is in the past (17.06.2023-17.06.2023 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Ihringer Weintage" (31.05.2024) because its is up to date.
Skip ICAL event "!19 Uhr! Dienstabend" because its is in the past (22.06.2023-22.06.2023 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD Gaulturnier Breisach" because its is in the past (24.06.2023-24.06.2023 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD Erdbeerfest e.V. Kirche" because its is in the past (21.05.2023-21.05.2023 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD Weinfest Breisach" because its is in the past (25.08.2023-28.08.2023 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD Weinfest Merdingen" because its is in the past (02.09.2023-02.09.2023 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD APACHE 207" because its is in the past (12.08.2023-12.08.2023 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD Heroes Festival" because its is not marked as public.
Skip ICAL event "SWD Reitturnier" because its is in the past (08.10.2023-08.10.2023 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD Reitturnier" because its is in the past (07.10.2023-07.10.2023 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Tagesausflug Aktive+Senioren" because its is in the past (21.10.2023-21.10.2023 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "SWD Sea You Festival" (19.07.2024) because its is up to date.
Skip ICAL event "SWD Kaiserstuhllauf" (10.03.2024) because its is up to date.
Skip ICAL event "SWD Freiburg Marathon" (07.04.2024) because its is up to date.
Skip ICAL event "Mitgliederversammlung DRK" (25.04.2024) because its is up to date.
Skip ICAL event "Weihnachtsmarkt JRK+DRK" because its is in the past (03.12.2023-03.12.2023 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Christbaumsammlung" because its is in the past (13.01.2024-13.01.2024 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Fällt aus. Dienstabend" because its is in the past (09.11.2023-09.11.2023 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Busy" of ICAL calendar "Bereitschaft" because its is marked as busy.
Skip ICAL event "Herbstübung Feuerwehr" (29.09.2024) because its is up to date.
Skip ICAL event "Weihnachtsfeier Dienstabend" because its is in the past (21.12.2023-21.12.2023 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Blutspende" (26.07.2024) because its is up to date.
Skip ICAL event "Blutspende" because its is in the past (02.02.2024-02.02.2024 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "EH Training für die Landjugend Ihringen" because its is in the past (17.01.2024-17.01.2024 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Beginn Sommerferien Bereitschaft" (01.08.2024) because its is up to date.
Skip ICAL event "Ende Sommerferien Bereitschaft" (29.08.2024) because its is up to date.
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend" (22.02.2024) because its is up to date.
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend" (21.03.2024) because its is up to date.
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend" (16.05.2024) because its is up to date.
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend" (13.06.2024) because its is up to date.
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend" (27.06.2024) because its is up to date.
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend" (11.07.2024) because its is up to date.
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend" (25.07.2024) because its is up to date.
Skip ICAL event "SWD Fastnachtsumzug Merdingen" because its is in the past (04.02.2024-04.02.2024 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Beginn Training Vereineschießen Mo/Mi/Fr" because its is in the past (05.02.2024-05.02.2024 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "FW Gehaltene Fortbildung" because its is in the past (05.02.2024-05.02.2024 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "CPR Training" (08.04.2024) because its is up to date.
Skip ICAL event "Ausschießen Vereineschießen" (07.03.2024) because its is up to date.
Skip ICAL event "SWD 100-Jahr-Jubiläum WG Ihringen" (19.04.2024) because its is up to date.
Skip ICAL event "SWD Kaiserstuhlhalle Adonia Musical" (04.04.2024) because its is up to date.
Skip ICAL event "Ausschießen Vereineschießen" (08.03.2024) because its is up to date.
Skip ICAL event "SWD B2Run EP-Stadion" (04.07.2024) because its is up to date.
Skip ICAL event "AK Weintage" (09.04.2024) because its is up to date.
Skip ICAL event "Landeswettbewerb Unterstützung" (15.06.2024) because its is up to date.
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend Unterweisung Lebensmittelsicherheit" (18.04.2024) because its is up to date.
Skip ICAL event "Übung" (13.04.2024) because its is up to date.
Skip ICAL event "Abgesagt. Dienstabend" (04.04.2024) because its is up to date.
Skip ICAL event "SWD 50 J. Jugendfeuerwehr" (21.09.2024) because its is up to date.
Skip ICAL event "Seniorennachmittag Gemeinde Ihringen" (22.05.2024) because its is up to date.
Skip ICAL event "SWD Weihnachtsmarkt "Briem"" (07.12.2024) because its is up to date.
Skip ICAL event "SWD White Night Party Briem" (13.07.2024) because its is up to date.
Skip ICAL event "Nachtübung mit Feuerwehr" (18.11.2024) because its is up to date.
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend" (12.09.2024) because its is up to date.
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend" (10.10.2024) because its is up to date.
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend" (24.10.2024) because its is up to date.
Skip ICAL event "SWD Briem & Friends" because its is not marked as public.
Skip ICAL event "SWD Erdbeerfest" (09.06.2024) because its is up to date.
Skip ICAL event "SWD Weinfest Breisach" (31.08.2024) because its is up to date.
Skip ICAL event "SWD Weinfest Bötzingen" (16.09.2024) because its is up to date.
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend Patrick ABCDE" (26.09.2024) because its is up to date.
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend" (07.11.2024) because its is up to date.
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend" (21.11.2024) because its is up to date.
Skip ICAL event "Christbaumsammlung" (11.01.2025) because its is up to date.
Skip ICAL event "SWD Modellflugtag" because its is not marked as public.
Skip ICAL event "SWD Heroes Festival" because its is not marked as public.
Skip ICAL event "SWD Freiburg Marathon" (06.04.2025) because its is up to date.
Skip ICAL event "SWD AÜA Füba Eschbach - Begleitung FW Ihringen" (04.11.2024) because its is up to date.
Skip ICAL event "Jubiläum Ruhpolding in Ihringen" (26.10.2024) because its is up to date.
Skip ICAL event "Arbeitseinsatz Kaiserstuhlhalle" (27.10.2024) because its is up to date.
Skip ICAL event "Blutspende Kaiserstuhlhalle" (14.02.2025) because its is up to date.
Skip ICAL event "Weihnachtsmarkt Ihringen" (01.12.2024) because its is up to date.
Skip ICAL event "Weihnachtsfeier Bereitschaft" (05.12.2024) because its is up to date.
Skip ICAL event "SWD Ruhpolding Biathlon" (16.01.2025) because its is up to date.
Skip ICAL event "18:30 Dienstabend" (19.12.2024) because its is up to date.
Skip ICAL event "SWD Erdbeerfest" (01.06.2025) because its is up to date.
Skip ICAL event "Blutspende Kaiserstuhlhalle" (25.07.2025) because its is up to date.
Skip ICAL event "Herbstübung Feuerwehr" (28.09.2025) because its is up to date.
Skip ICAL event "SWD Herbstausklang" (19.10.2025) because its is up to date.
Skip ICAL event "Weihnachtsmarkt Ihringen" (30.11.2025) because its is up to date.
Skip ICAL event "SWD Rosenmontag Freiburg" (03.03.2025) because its is up to date.
Skip ICAL event "SWD Sea You Festival" (18.07.2025) because its is up to date.
Skip ICAL event "SWD Pinot and Rock Breisach" (03.07.2025) because its is up to date.
Skip ICAL event "47. Ihringer Weintage" (20.06.2025) because its is up to date.
Skip ICAL event "SWD Weinfest Breisach" (29.08.2025) because its is up to date.
Skip ICAL event "SWD B2Run EP-Stadion" (27.05.2025) because its is up to date.
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend" (06.02.2025) because its is up to date.
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend" (23.01.2025) because its is up to date.
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend" (20.02.2025) because its is up to date.
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend" (06.03.2025) because its is up to date.
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend" (20.03.2025) because its is up to date.
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend" (03.04.2025) because its is up to date.
Skip ICAL event "Beginn Training Vereinsschießen 2025" (27.01.2025) because its is up to date.
Skip ICAL event "Ausschießen Vereine &21.2." (20.02.2025) because its is up to date.
Skip ICAL event "Busy" of ICAL calendar "Bereitschaft" because its is marked as busy.
Skip ICAL event "SWD Fasnetsumzug Wasenweiler" because its is not marked as public.
Skip ICAL event "Schulungsabend Feuerwehr „Gas“" (10.02.2025) because its is up to date.
Skip ICAL event "Schulungsabend Feuerwehr „Bahn“" (13.01.2025) because its is up to date.
Skip ICAL event "Fällt aus. SWD Kaiserstuhllauf" (09.03.2025) because its is up to date.
Skip ICAL event "SWD Oktoberfest Wasenweiler" because its is not marked as public.
Skip ICAL event "Nachtübung Feuerwehr 19Uhr" (10.11.2025) because its is up to date.
Skip ICAL event "SWD AüA Füba Eschbach" (03.11.2025) because its is up to date.
Skip ICAL event "SWD AüA Füba Eschbach" (24.02.2025) because its is up to date.
Unpublish event ID=17174, "Beginn Training Vereineschießen Mo/Mi/Fr" (05.02.2024).
Unpublish event ID=17175, "FW Gehaltene Fortbildung" (05.02.2024).
Import calendar CALID=10 "SAN Kaiserstuhl".
Skip ICAL event "Besprechung Modul" because its is in the past (13.05.2015-13.05.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Besprechung Leistungsmodul" because its is in the past (08.07.2015-08.07.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Übergabe Arztwagen" because its is in the past (08.07.2015-08.07.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Besprechung Führungskräfte Erstversorgung" because its is in the past (23.09.2015-23.09.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend: Erstversorgung (March)" because its is in the past (14.09.2015-14.09.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend: Erstversorgung (Bischoffingen)" because its is in the past (19.11.2015-19.11.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend: Erstversorgung (Ihringen)" because its is in the past (15.10.2015-15.10.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Besprechung Leitungsteam Erstversorgung" because its is in the past (24.11.2015-24.11.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Leistungsmodul: Übung" because its is in the past (29.02.2016-29.02.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Leistungsmodul: Besprechung ILS (Führungskräfte)" because its is in the past (11.02.2016-11.02.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Busy" of ICAL calendar "SAN Kaiserstuhl" because its is marked as busy.
Skip ICAL event "Busy" of ICAL calendar "SAN Kaiserstuhl" because its is marked as busy.
Skip ICAL event "Busy" of ICAL calendar "SAN Kaiserstuhl" because its is marked as busy.
Skip ICAL event "Modul Sanität: Leitungsteam" because its is in the past (13.04.2016-13.04.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Modul Sanität: Dienstabend UE Sonderlagen" because its is in the past (04.04.2016-04.04.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Modul Sanität: Dienstabend UE Sonderlagen" because its is in the past (23.11.2016-23.11.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Modul Sanität: Leitungstreffen" because its is in the past (27.07.2016-27.07.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Modul Sanität: Dienstabend UE Sonderlagen" because its is in the past (23.06.2016-23.06.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Fällt aus! Modul Sanität: Dienstabend UE Sonderlagen" because its is in the past (07.10.2016-07.10.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Busy" of ICAL calendar "SAN Kaiserstuhl" because its is marked as busy.
Skip ICAL event "Busy" of ICAL calendar "SAN Kaiserstuhl" because its is marked as busy.
Skip ICAL event "Busy" of ICAL calendar "SAN Kaiserstuhl" because its is marked as busy.
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend UE-Sonderlagen" because its is in the past (28.06.2017-28.06.2017 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend in Eichstetten" because its is in the past (11.09.2017-11.09.2017 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend der UE Sonderlagen" because its is in the past (06.11.2017-06.11.2017 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend in Stegen" because its is in the past (22.02.2018-22.02.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend in Buchenbach" because its is in the past (27.06.2018-27.06.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Busy" of ICAL calendar "SAN Kaiserstuhl" because its is marked as busy.
Skip ICAL event "FÄLLT AUS! Dienstabend in Umkirch" because its is in the past (25.04.2018-25.04.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "3B Übung Breisach (Optional)" because its is in the past (22.09.2018-22.09.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend in der March" because its is in the past (22.10.2018-22.10.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend Buchenbach" because its is in the past (27.02.2019-27.02.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend March" because its is in the past (17.06.2019-17.06.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend Umkirch" because its is in the past (25.09.2019-25.09.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend Stegen" because its is in the past (14.11.2019-14.11.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Dienstabend Stegen" because its is in the past (10.04.2019-10.04.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Import calendar CALID=2 "Jugendrotkreuz".
Skip ICAL event "Gruppenstunde" because its is in the past (03.03.2015-03.03.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Gruppenstunde" because its is in the past (10.03.2015-10.03.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Gruppenstunde" because its is in the past (17.03.2015-17.03.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Osterferien - keine Gruppenstunde" because its is in the past (31.03.2015-31.03.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Osterferien - keine Gruppenstunde" because its is in the past (07.04.2015-07.04.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Pfingstferien - keine Gruppenstunde" because its is in the past (26.05.2015-26.05.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Pfingstferien - keine Gruppenstunde" because its is in the past (02.06.2015-02.06.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Weihnachtsmarkt" because its is in the past (29.11.2015-29.11.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Gruppenstunde" because its is in the past (24.03.2015-24.03.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Besichtigung Integrierte Rettungsleitstelle in Freiburg" because its is in the past (18.04.2015-18.04.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Gruppenstunde" because its is in the past (21.04.2015-21.04.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Gruppenstunde" because its is in the past (28.04.2015-28.04.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Gruppenstunde" because its is in the past (05.05.2015-05.05.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Gruppenstunde" because its is in the past (12.05.2015-12.05.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Gruppenstunde" because its is in the past (19.05.2015-19.05.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Gruppenstunde" because its is in the past (09.06.2015-09.06.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Gruppenstunde" because its is in the past (16.06.2015-16.06.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Gruppenstunde" because its is in the past (23.06.2015-23.06.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Gruppenstunde" because its is in the past (30.06.2015-30.06.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Gruppenstunde" because its is in the past (21.07.2015-21.07.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Gruppenstunde" because its is in the past (14.07.2015-14.07.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Gruppenstunde" because its is in the past (07.07.2015-07.07.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Gruppenstunde" because its is in the past (14.04.2015-14.04.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Ihringen in Aktion - Waffelverkauf" because its is in the past (10.05.2015-10.05.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Übung mit der Feuerwehr" because its is in the past (04.07.2015-04.07.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Gruppenstunde" because its is in the past (15.09.2015-15.09.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Gruppenstunde" because its is in the past (22.09.2015-22.09.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Gruppenstunde" because its is in the past (29.09.2015-29.09.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Gruppenstunde" because its is in the past (06.10.2015-06.10.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Gruppenstunde" because its is in the past (13.10.2015-13.10.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Gruppenstunde" because its is in the past (20.10.2015-20.10.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Gruppenstunde" because its is in the past (27.10.2015-27.10.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Gruppenstunde" because its is in the past (17.11.2015-17.11.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Gruppenstunde" because its is in the past (01.12.2015-01.12.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Gruppenstunde" because its is in the past (15.12.2015-15.12.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Gruppenstunde" because its is in the past (08.12.2015-08.12.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Gruppenstunde" because its is in the past (24.11.2015-24.11.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Gruppenstunde" because its is in the past (10.11.2015-10.11.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Weihnachtsmarkt" because its is in the past (27.11.2016-27.11.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Gruppenstunde" because its is in the past (12.01.2016-12.01.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Gruppenstunde" because its is in the past (19.01.2016-19.01.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Gruppenstunde" because its is in the past (26.01.2016-26.01.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Gruppenstunde" because its is in the past (02.02.2016-02.02.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Gruppenstunde" because its is in the past (01.03.2016-01.03.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Gruppenstunde" because its is in the past (08.03.2016-08.03.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Gruppenstunde" because its is in the past (15.03.2016-15.03.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Gruppenstunde" because its is in the past (22.03.2016-22.03.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Gruppenstunde" because its is in the past (19.04.2016-19.04.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Gruppenstunde" because its is in the past (26.04.2016-26.04.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Gruppenstunde" because its is in the past (10.05.2016-10.05.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Gruppenstunde" because its is in the past (31.05.2016-31.05.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Gruppenstunde" because its is in the past (12.04.2016-12.04.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Gruppenstunde" because its is in the past (03.05.2016-03.05.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Gruppenstunde" because its is in the past (05.04.2016-05.04.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Gruppenstunde" because its is in the past (23.02.2016-23.02.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Busy" of ICAL calendar "Jugendrotkreuz" because its is marked as busy.
Skip ICAL event "Gruppenstunde" because its is in the past (21.06.2016-21.06.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Gruppenstunde" because its is in the past (28.06.2016-28.06.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Gruppenstunde" because its is in the past (05.07.2016-05.07.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Gruppenstunde" because its is in the past (12.07.2016-12.07.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Gruppenstunde" because its is in the past (19.07.2016-19.07.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Gruppenstunde" because its is in the past (26.07.2016-26.07.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Gruppenstunde" because its is in the past (07.06.2016-07.06.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Beginn Sommerferien" because its is in the past (28.07.2016-28.07.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Ende Sommerferien" because its is in the past (11.09.2016-11.09.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Beginn Weihnachtsferien" because its is in the past (23.12.2016-23.12.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Ende Weihnachtsferien" because its is in the past (08.01.2017-08.01.2017 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Gruppenstunde" because its is in the past (14.06.2016-14.06.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Gruppenstunde" because its is in the past (13.09.2016-13.09.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Christbaumsammlung" because its is in the past (14.01.2017-14.01.2017 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Bowling Freiburg" because its is in the past (26.11.2016-26.11.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Gruppenstunde" because its is in the past (22.11.2016-22.11.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Gruppenstunde" because its is in the past (29.11.2016-29.11.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Gruppenstunde" because its is in the past (06.12.2016-06.12.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Gruppenstunde" because its is in the past (13.12.2016-13.12.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Gruppenstunde" because its is in the past (20.12.2016-20.12.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Übungsabend mit der Jugendfeuerwehr" because its is in the past (28.04.2017-28.04.2017 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Gruppenstunde" because its is in the past (28.03.2017-28.03.2017 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Gruppenstunde" because its is in the past (04.04.2017-04.04.2017 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Gruppenstunde" because its is in the past (11.04.2017-11.04.2017 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Sommerferienprogramm JRK" because its is in the past (09.08.2017-09.08.2017 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Christbaumsammlung" because its is in the past (13.01.2018-13.01.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "REANIMATION FUER ALLE" because its is in the past (24.11.2017-24.11.2017 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Jugendrotkreuz Überraschungsaktion KV" because its is in the past (25.11.2017-25.11.2017 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "JRK Nikolausfeier" because its is in the past (05.12.2017-05.12.2017 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Blutspende" because its is in the past (26.01.2018-26.01.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "JRK Erstes Treffen nach der Ferienpause" because its is in the past (18.09.2018-18.09.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Halloween/Kürbisbasteln" because its is in the past (23.10.2018-23.10.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Christbaumsammlung" because its is in the past (12.01.2019-12.01.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Gruppenabend Jugendrotkreuz" because its is in the past (24.05.2022-24.05.2022 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Gruppenabend Jugendrotkreuz" because its is in the past (17.05.2022-17.05.2022 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Gruppenabend Jugendrotkreuz" because its is in the past (31.05.2022-31.05.2022 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Gruppenabend Jugendrotkreuz" because its is in the past (21.06.2022-21.06.2022 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Gruppenabend Jugendrotkreuz" because its is in the past (28.06.2022-28.06.2022 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Gruppenabend Jugendrotkreuz" because its is in the past (05.07.2022-05.07.2022 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Gruppenabend Jugendrotkreuz" because its is in the past (12.07.2022-12.07.2022 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Gruppenabend Jugendrotkreuz" because its is in the past (19.07.2022-19.07.2022 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Gruppenabend Jugendrotkreuz" because its is in the past (26.07.2022-26.07.2022 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Blutspende Ihringen" because its is in the past (29.07.2022-29.07.2022 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Gruppenabend Jugendrotkreuz" because its is in the past (13.09.2022-13.09.2022 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Gruppenabend Jugendrotkreuz" because its is in the past (20.09.2022-20.09.2022 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Gruppenabend Jugendrotkreuz" because its is in the past (27.09.2022-27.09.2022 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Gruppenabend Jugendrotkreuz" because its is in the past (04.10.2022-04.10.2022 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Gruppenabend Jugendrotkreuz" because its is in the past (11.10.2022-11.10.2022 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Gruppenabend Jugendrotkreuz" because its is in the past (18.10.2022-18.10.2022 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Gruppenabend Jugendrotkreuz" because its is in the past (25.10.2022-25.10.2022 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Gruppenabend Jugendrotkreuz" because its is in the past (08.11.2022-08.11.2022 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Gruppenabend Jugendrotkreuz" because its is in the past (15.11.2022-15.11.2022 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Gruppenabend Jugendrotkreuz" because its is in the past (22.11.2022-22.11.2022 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Gruppenabend Jugendrotkreuz" because its is in the past (29.11.2022-29.11.2022 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Ihringer Weintage" because its is in the past (17.06.2022-20.06.2022 vs 06.02.2024).
Import calendar CALID=8 "Vorstandschaft".
Skip ICAL event "LM EV Kaiserstuhl" because its is in the past (15.04.2015-15.04.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "KBL Frühjahrstagung" because its is in the past (22.04.2015-22.04.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Aufgabenverteilungsplan" because its is in the past (16.04.2015-16.04.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Mitgliederversammlung DLRG" because its is in the past (08.05.2015-08.05.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Vorstandsitzung" because its is in the past (19.05.2015-19.05.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Mitgliederversammlung Gewerbeverein" because its is in the past (23.06.2015-23.06.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Nachbesprechung Weintage" because its is in the past (29.06.2015-29.06.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "AK Garagenbau" because its is in the past (13.07.2015-13.07.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Nachbesprechung Weintage" because its is in the past (23.07.2015-23.07.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Vorstandsitzung" because its is in the past (20.07.2015-20.07.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Kreisversammlung" because its is in the past (23.07.2015-23.07.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Vorstandssitzung" because its is in the past (17.09.2015-17.09.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Fahrzeugeinweihung" because its is in the past (13.09.2015-13.09.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Besprechung Vorsitzende" because its is in the past (14.09.2015-14.09.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Vorstandssitzung" because its is in the past (12.10.2015-12.10.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "DRK Aufsichtsrat Sitzung" because its is in the past (14.10.2015-14.10.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Vorstandsitzung" because its is in the past (26.11.2015-26.11.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Festlegung Veranstaltungskalender 2016" because its is in the past (17.11.2015-17.11.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Besprechung Vorsitzende" because its is in the past (12.11.2015-12.11.2015 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Busy" of ICAL calendar "Vorstandschaft" because its is marked as busy.
Skip ICAL event "Vorstandsitzung" because its is in the past (19.01.2016-19.01.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Neujahrsempfang der Gemeinde" because its is in the past (03.01.2016-03.01.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Jahreshauptversammlung Gesamtwehr" because its is in the past (22.01.2016-22.01.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Vorstandsitzung" because its is in the past (15.02.2016-15.02.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Busy" of ICAL calendar "Vorstandschaft" because its is marked as busy.
Skip ICAL event "Busy" of ICAL calendar "Vorstandschaft" because its is marked as busy.
Skip ICAL event "Busy" of ICAL calendar "Vorstandschaft" because its is marked as busy.
Skip ICAL event "Busy" of ICAL calendar "Vorstandschaft" because its is marked as busy.
Skip ICAL event "Busy" of ICAL calendar "Vorstandschaft" because its is marked as busy.
Skip ICAL event "Vorstandsitzung" because its is in the past (18.04.2016-18.04.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Vorstandssitzung" because its is in the past (10.05.2016-10.05.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Busy" of ICAL calendar "Vorstandschaft" because its is marked as busy.
Skip ICAL event "Busy" of ICAL calendar "Vorstandschaft" because its is marked as busy.
Skip ICAL event "Vorstandssitzung" because its is in the past (14.06.2016-14.06.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Vorstandsitzung" because its is in the past (22.09.2016-22.09.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Veranstaltungskalender 2017" because its is in the past (04.10.2016-04.10.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Busy" of ICAL calendar "Vorstandschaft" because its is marked as busy.
Skip ICAL event "Neujahrsempfang" because its is in the past (08.01.2017-08.01.2017 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "GV VfR" because its is in the past (17.03.2017-17.03.2017 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Busy" of ICAL calendar "Vorstandschaft" because its is marked as busy.
Skip ICAL event "Busy" of ICAL calendar "Vorstandschaft" because its is marked as busy.
Skip ICAL event "Busy" of ICAL calendar "Vorstandschaft" because its is marked as busy.
Skip ICAL event "GV FW Gesamtwehr" because its is in the past (03.02.2017-03.02.2017 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "GV Schwarzwaldverein" because its is in the past (24.02.2017-24.02.2017 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Vorstandsitzung (Entfallen)" because its is in the past (19.01.2017-19.01.2017 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Busy" of ICAL calendar "Vorstandschaft" because its is marked as busy.
Skip ICAL event "AG Weintage 20.30 Uhr + Vorstandsitzung 19.30 Uhr" because its is in the past (09.05.2017-09.05.2017 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Busy" of ICAL calendar "Vorstandschaft" because its is marked as busy.
Skip ICAL event "Busy" of ICAL calendar "Vorstandschaft" because its is marked as busy.
Skip ICAL event "Busy" of ICAL calendar "Vorstandschaft" because its is marked as busy.
Skip ICAL event ""Nutzerversammlung" Haus Fohrenberg" because its is in the past (30.05.2017-30.05.2017 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Busy" of ICAL calendar "Vorstandschaft" because its is marked as busy.
Skip ICAL event "Busy" of ICAL calendar "Vorstandschaft" because its is marked as busy.
Skip ICAL event "Weintage-Nachbesprechung" because its is in the past (18.07.2017-18.07.2017 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Busy" of ICAL calendar "Vorstandschaft" because its is marked as busy.
Skip ICAL event "Veranstaltungskalender 2018" because its is in the past (24.10.2017-24.10.2017 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Vorstandssitzung" because its is in the past (16.10.2017-16.10.2017 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Vorstandssitzung" because its is in the past (09.11.2017-09.11.2017 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "GV Schwarzwaldverein" because its is in the past (23.02.2018-23.02.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Busy" of ICAL calendar "Vorstandschaft" because its is marked as busy.
Skip ICAL event "Weintage-Nachlese Sitzung (Vereine)" because its is in the past (15.11.2017-15.11.2017 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Vorstandssitzung" because its is in the past (05.12.2017-05.12.2017 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Busy" of ICAL calendar "Vorstandschaft" because its is marked as busy.
Skip ICAL event "Busy" of ICAL calendar "Vorstandschaft" because its is marked as busy.
Skip ICAL event "Busy" of ICAL calendar "Vorstandschaft" because its is marked as busy.
Skip ICAL event "GV Reitverein" because its is in the past (09.03.2018-09.03.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Generalversammlung VFR" because its is in the past (02.03.2018-02.03.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Generalversammlung Fanfarenzug" because its is in the past (03.03.2018-03.03.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Generalversammlung Winzerkreis" because its is in the past (12.03.2018-12.03.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Generalversammlung Musikverein" because its is in the past (14.03.2018-14.03.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Generalversammlung Landjugend" because its is in the past (16.03.2018-16.03.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Generalversammlung Schützenverein" because its is in the past (23.03.2018-23.03.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Generalversammlung Männergesangverein" because its is in the past (04.04.2018-04.04.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Generalversammlung Turnverein" because its is in the past (19.04.2018-19.04.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Jahreshauptversammlung Gesamtfeuerwehr Ihringen" because its is in the past (26.01.2018-26.01.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Vorstandssitzung" because its is in the past (20.02.2018-20.02.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Vorstand" because its is in the past (20.03.2018-20.03.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "GV DRK OV Merdingen" because its is in the past (04.04.2018-04.04.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Kreisversammlung" because its is in the past (19.07.2018-19.07.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Blutspenderehrung" because its is in the past (23.04.2018-23.04.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Weintagesitzung Vereine" because its is in the past (22.03.2018-22.03.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Weintagesitzung" because its is in the past (17.04.2018-17.04.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Vorstand" because its is in the past (17.04.2018-17.04.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Übungsbesprechung" because its is in the past (28.03.2018-28.03.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Frühjahrstagung Leitungskräfte" because its is in the past (25.04.2018-25.04.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "AG Weintage" because its is in the past (07.05.2018-07.05.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "AG Garage" because its is in the past (07.05.2018-07.05.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "GV Landfrauen" because its is in the past (20.04.2018-20.04.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Bv Garage / Daub" because its is in the past (23.04.2018-23.04.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "KBL Wahl" because its is in the past (13.06.2018-13.06.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Vorstandsitzung - Nachlese Weintage" because its is in the past (03.07.2018-03.07.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Nachlese Weintage (Vereine)" because its is in the past (11.07.2018-11.07.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Vorstandssitzung" because its is in the past (18.09.2018-18.09.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Abstimmung Triathlon Rathaus" because its is in the past (31.07.2018-31.07.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "INFO: Jugendtag mit Partnergemeinden" because its is in the past (22.09.2018-22.09.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Regionaltreffen in Ihringen" because its is in the past (19.09.2018-19.09.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Jahresbesprechung Vereine -Bürgersaal-" because its is in the past (23.10.2018-23.10.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "GV Schwarzwaldverein" because its is in the past (22.02.2019-22.02.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "GV Musikverein" because its is in the past (13.03.2019-13.03.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "GV Schützenverein" because its is in the past (29.03.2019-29.03.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Vereinesitzung Bürgersaal" because its is in the past (22.10.2019-22.10.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Vorstandsitzung" because its is in the past (20.11.2018-20.11.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Herbsttagung Kreisausschuss der Bereitschaften" because its is in the past (17.11.2018-17.11.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Vorstellung DRK Neunlindenschule" because its is in the past (26.11.2018-26.11.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Jahresplanung mit Feuerwehr" because its is in the past (26.11.2018-26.11.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "GV Landfrauen" because its is in the past (26.04.2019-26.04.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Sitzung Hausnotruf" because its is in the past (17.12.2018-17.12.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Neujahrsempfang Gemeinde" because its is in the past (06.01.2019-06.01.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Raum belegt. KV Ausbildung" because its is in the past (13.12.2018-13.12.2018 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Feuerwehr Jahreshauptversammlung" because its is in the past (01.02.2019-01.02.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "DRK Zukunft Ortsverein" because its is in the past (15.01.2019-15.01.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Landfrauen Erste Hilfe Fresh Update" because its is in the past (07.03.2019-07.03.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "GV Reitverein" because its is in the past (21.02.2019-21.02.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Modul SAN Kaiserstuhl Besprechung" because its is in the past (14.03.2019-14.03.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Hausnotruf - Betreuer vor Ort" because its is in the past (07.03.2019-07.03.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "DRK Raum: Altersmannschaft FW" because its is in the past (13.03.2019-13.03.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Einsatzbesprechung Kaiserstuhllauf" because its is in the past (26.02.2019-26.02.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Gesamtvorstand" because its is in the past (01.04.2019-01.04.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "BL Frühjahrstagung" because its is in the past (10.04.2019-10.04.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "GV Turnverein" because its is in the past (04.04.2019-04.04.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "GV DLRG" because its is in the past (03.05.2019-03.05.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Blutspenderehrung" because its is in the past (15.04.2019-15.04.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Mitgliederversammlung DRK OV Freiburg" because its is in the past (20.05.2019-20.05.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "AK Weintage" because its is in the past (29.04.2019-29.04.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Bauabstimmung DRK" because its is in the past (16.05.2019-16.05.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Weintage Nachlese" because its is in the past (16.07.2019-16.07.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Anlieferung Decken" because its is in the past (04.09.2019-04.09.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Jahresplanung mit Feuerwehr" because its is in the past (04.11.2019-04.11.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event ""Deadline" Veranstaltungskalender" because its is in the past (20.11.2019-20.11.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "GV Schwarzwaldverein" because its is in the past (14.02.2020-14.02.2020 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Weintage Besprechung Vereine" because its is in the past (10.03.2020-10.03.2020 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Vorstandsitzung" because its is in the past (26.11.2019-26.11.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Jahresplanung mit Feuerwehr" because its is in the past (09.11.2020-09.11.2020 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "GV Feuerwehr Ihringen Gesamt" because its is in the past (06.03.2020-06.03.2020 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "BL Herbsttagung" because its is in the past (16.11.2019-16.11.2019 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Workshop Garage" because its is in the past (09.01.2020-09.01.2020 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Vorstand Blutspende" because its is in the past (09.01.2020-09.01.2020 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Haus Fohrenberg" because its is in the past (14.01.2020-14.01.2020 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Arbeitskreis Garage" because its is in the past (14.01.2020-14.01.2020 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "(!verschoben)AK Vorstand" because its is in the past (27.01.2020-27.01.2020 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Vereinesitzung Partnerschaft/Ruhpolding" because its is in the past (10.02.2020-10.02.2020 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "AK Vorstand" because its is in the past (05.02.2020-05.02.2020 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "AK Vorstand" because its is in the past (17.02.2020-17.02.2020 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "ABGESAGT: GV DRK Merdingen" because its is in the past (18.03.2020-18.03.2020 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "AK Vorstand" because its is in the past (12.03.2020-12.03.2020 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Deadline MV Einladung" because its is in the past (17.04.2020-17.04.2020 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "ABGESAGT Vorstandssitzung" because its is in the past (21.04.2020-21.04.2020 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Vorstandssitzung" because its is in the past (29.04.2020-29.04.2020 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Digitale Sitzung OV Vorsitzende" because its is in the past (12.05.2020-12.05.2020 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Vorstandsitzung" because its is in the past (13.05.2020-13.05.2020 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Vorstandsitzung" because its is in the past (03.06.2020-03.06.2020 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Vorstandsitzung" because its is in the past (06.07.2020-06.07.2020 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "ABGESAGT Weintage Nachlese (Vereine)" because its is in the past (07.07.2020-07.07.2020 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "HvO Meeting (Zoom)" because its is in the past (09.07.2020-09.07.2020 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Zoom Kreisverband" because its is in the past (05.08.2020-05.08.2020 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Kreisversammlung DRK (Video)" because its is in the past (15.10.2020-15.10.2020 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "DLRG im Raum" because its is in the past (08.10.2020-08.10.2020 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Online HvO Treffen" because its is in the past (07.10.2020-07.10.2020 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "ABGESAGT Vereinesitzung Bürgersaal" because its is in the past (20.10.2020-20.10.2020 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "DRK KV im Raum" because its is in the past (22.10.2020-22.10.2020 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "ABGESAGT DLRG im Raum" because its is in the past (22.10.2020-22.10.2020 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Vorstandsitzung Online" because its is in the past (27.10.2020-27.10.2020 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "HvO Treffen Stegen" because its is in the past (18.01.2021-18.01.2021 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "BL Meeting online" because its is in the past (04.11.2020-04.11.2020 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Digitale Versammlung Ortsvereine/Kreisverband" because its is in the past (10.02.2021-10.02.2021 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Vorstandssitzung online" because its is in the past (18.02.2021-18.02.2021 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Gesamtvorstandsitzung" because its is in the past (10.03.2021-10.03.2021 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Weintagesitzung online (Vereine)" because its is in the past (13.04.2021-13.04.2021 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "ILS Start Cobra4" because its is in the past (27.04.2021-27.04.2021 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Vorstandssitzung" because its is in the past (14.07.2021-14.07.2021 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "KV Sitzung Vorsitzende" because its is in the past (28.07.2021-28.07.2021 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Mitgliederversammlung" because its is in the past (12.08.2021-12.08.2021 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "GV Musikverein" because its is in the past (15.09.2021-15.09.2021 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Fahrzeugweihe KEF Ihringen 1/72 - Blankenhornsberg" because its is in the past (12.09.2021-12.09.2021 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Sitzung mit den Ortsvereinsvorsitzenden" because its is in the past (16.09.2021-16.09.2021 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Besprechung nachtü Bung" because its is in the past (26.10.2021-26.10.2021 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Kreisausschuss Bereitschaften" because its is in the past (06.11.2021-06.11.2021 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Halle/ Impftag" because its is in the past (22.11.2021-22.11.2021 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Halle/ Impftag" because its is in the past (29.11.2021-29.11.2021 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Hallenabnahme" because its is in the past (13.12.2021-13.12.2021 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Vorstandssitzung" because its is in the past (28.03.2022-28.03.2022 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Weintagesitzung Bürgersaal" because its is in the past (29.03.2022-29.03.2022 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Kuchenverkauf MVI /Garage" because its is in the past (03.04.2022-03.04.2022 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "JRK Bezirksversammlung (Garage)" because its is in the past (04.06.2022-04.06.2022 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "KBL Tagung Neustadt" because its is in the past (20.05.2022-20.05.2022 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Weintage Planung" because its is in the past (02.05.2022-02.05.2022 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "RTW / Bischofingen" because its is in the past (24.04.2022-24.04.2022 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "GV Schwarzwaldverein Haus Fohrenberg" because its is in the past (06.05.2022-06.05.2022 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "GV DLRG Schwimmbad" because its is in the past (07.05.2022-07.05.2022 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Übungsbesprechung Merdingen" because its is in the past (02.05.2022-02.05.2022 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Weintage Besprechung Polizei/ Rathaus" because its is in the past (05.05.2022-05.05.2022 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Info Abend Kaiserstuhl Bevölkerungsschutz" because its is in the past (23.06.2022-23.06.2022 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "HvO Treffen" because its is in the past (10.06.2021-10.06.2021 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "JHV Gesamtwehr Ihringen" because its is in the past (21.07.2022-21.07.2022 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Besprechung Modul Transport Kaiserstuhl" because its is in the past (08.08.2022-08.08.2022 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "GV DRK Merdingen" because its is in the past (29.06.2022-29.06.2022 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "VS Sitzung" because its is in the past (06.07.2022-06.07.2022 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Weintage Nachbesprechung Bürgersaal" because its is in the past (02.08.2022-02.08.2022 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Besprechung Modul Transport Kaiserstuhl\, Montag\, 8. Aug. · 19:00–21:00" because its is in the past (26.10.2022-26.10.2022 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Hochzeit BM Eckerle" because its is in the past (03.09.2022-03.09.2022 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Kreisversammlung 2022" because its is in the past (13.10.2022-13.10.2022 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Jahreskalender Bürgersaal" because its is in the past (08.11.2022-08.11.2022 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Vorstandssitzung" because its is in the past (14.11.2022-14.11.2022 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Modul Transport Kaiserstuhl" because its is in the past (15.02.2023-15.02.2023 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Kreisausschuss Bereitschaften" because its is in the past (26.11.2022-27.11.2022 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Weintagesitzung Bürgersaal" because its is in the past (07.12.2022-07.12.2022 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Neujahrsempfang" because its is in the past (06.01.2023-06.01.2023 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Vorstandssitzung" because its is in the past (18.01.2023-18.01.2023 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Vorstandssitzung" because its is in the past (28.03.2023-28.03.2023 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Mitgliederversammlung DRK" because its is in the past (04.05.2023-04.05.2023 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Vorstandsitzung" because its is in the past (17.03.2016-17.03.2016 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "GV DRK Merdingen" because its is in the past (05.04.2017-05.04.2017 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Vereinesitzung Weintage" because its is in the past (30.03.2017-30.03.2017 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "AG Weintage" because its is in the past (18.04.2017-18.04.2017 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "FW Generalversammlung" because its is in the past (10.03.2023-10.03.2023 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Weintage Sitzung Vereine" because its is in the past (07.03.2023-07.03.2023 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Treffen mit den OV-Vorsitzenden - Do. 02.03. - 18:30 Uhr – online" because its is in the past (02.03.2023-02.03.2023 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Weintage Sitzung" because its is in the past (23.03.2023-23.03.2023 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Abgesagt. Modul Transport Kaiserstuhl" because its is in the past (22.03.2023-22.03.2023 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "GV Landfrauen" because its is in the past (05.05.2023-05.05.2023 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Blutspenderehrung GR Sitzung" because its is in the past (24.04.2023-24.04.2023 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Kiga Arche - RTW vorstellen" because its is in the past (18.04.2023-18.04.2023 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Kreisausschuss der Bereitschaften" because its is in the past (05.05.2023-05.05.2023 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Treffen der HvO Gruppen Leitungen" because its is in the past (29.03.2023-29.03.2023 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Treffen der HvO Gruppen Leitungen" because its is in the past (19.06.2023-19.06.2023 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "RTW Bischoffingen" because its is in the past (28.05.2023-28.05.2023 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "RTW Bischoffingen" because its is in the past (16.04.2023-16.04.2023 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Mitgliederversammlung DRK Merdingen" because its is in the past (14.06.2023-14.06.2023 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Vorstandsitzung" because its is in the past (19.06.2023-19.06.2023 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Festabnahme" because its is in the past (09.06.2023-09.06.2023 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "DOC Gläser WG holen" because its is in the past (09.06.2023-09.06.2023 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Busy" of ICAL calendar "Vorstandschaft" because its is marked as busy.
Skip ICAL event "Busy" of ICAL calendar "Vorstandschaft" because its is marked as busy.
Skip ICAL event "Weintage Sitzung" because its is in the past (10.10.2023-10.10.2023 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Probenwochenende MVI - Raum belegt" because its is in the past (17.11.2023-18.11.2023 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Treffen OV Vorsitzende -online-" because its is in the past (25.10.2023-25.10.2023 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Kreisversammlung" because its is in the past (19.10.2023-19.10.2023 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Treffen der HvO Gruppen Leitungen" because its is in the past (16.10.2023-16.10.2023 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Laju EH Auffrischen" because its is in the past (17.01.2024-17.01.2024 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Vorstandssitzung" because its is in the past (07.11.2023-07.11.2023 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Jahresbesprechung Vereine" because its is in the past (07.11.2023-07.11.2023 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "HvO Schulung Oberbergen" because its is in the past (14.11.2023-14.11.2023 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "GV Turnverein" (11.04.2024) because its is up to date.
Skip ICAL event "Raumnutzung Landfrauen" because its is in the past (25.11.2023-25.11.2023 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Regionaltreffen OV‘e Kaiserstuhl -Raumnutzung" because its is in the past (22.11.2023-22.11.2023 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Kreisausschuss der Bereitschaften" because its is in the past (25.11.2023-26.11.2023 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Neujahrsempfang Gemeinde Ihringen" because its is in the past (06.01.2024-06.01.2024 vs 06.02.2024).
Skip ICAL event "Jahreshauptversammlung Feuerwehr" (08.03.2024) because its is up to date.
Skip ICAL event "Weintagesitzung Bürgersaal" because its is not marked as public.
Skip ICAL event "Vorstandssitzung" (14.03.2024) because its is up to date.
Skip ICAL event "Dr.Grom Landfrauen AED" because its is not marked as public.
Skip ICAL event "Kreisausschuss der Bereitschaften" because its is not marked as public.
Skip ICAL event "Kreisausschuss der Bereitschaften" because its is not marked as public.
Skip ICAL event "GV DRK Merdingen" because its is not marked as public.
Skip ICAL event "Besprechung Pflegeheim Übung" because its is not marked as public.
Skip ICAL event "-online- Treffen OV Vorsitzende" because its is not marked as public.
Skip ICAL event "GV Landfrauen" (26.04.2024) because its is up to date.
Skip ICAL event "REA Training Männer-Fitness" because its is not marked as public.
Skip ICAL event "Vorstandssitzung" because its is not marked as public.
Skip ICAL event "Standabnahme" because its is not marked as public.
Skip ICAL event "Vereinesitzung Partnerschaftsjubiläum" because its is not marked as public.
Skip ICAL event "Kreisversammlung DRK KV Freiburg e.V." (17.10.2024) because its is up to date.
Skip ICAL event "Get-Together Ruhpolding" (25.10.2024) because its is up to date.
Skip ICAL event "Ablauf Akku HeartSine AED" because its is not marked as public.
Skip ICAL event "Vorstandssitzung" (19.11.2024) because its is up to date.
Skip ICAL event "Jahresbesprechung der Vereine - Veranstaltungskalender 2025" (12.11.2024) because its is up to date.
Skip ICAL event "Neujahrsempfang Gemeinde" (06.01.2025) because its is up to date.
Skip ICAL event "GV Landfrauen" (11.04.2025) because its is up to date.
Skip ICAL event "GV Musikverein" (09.04.2025) because its is up to date.
Skip ICAL event "Mitgliederversammlung DRK" (17.04.2025) because its is up to date.
Skip ICAL event "Vereinsmesse Bürgersaal" because its is not marked as public.
Skip ICAL event "Jahreshauptversammlung Feuerwehr" because its is not marked as public.
Skip ICAL event "Seniorenvortrag „Notfalldose“" because its is not marked as public.
Skip ICAL event "Vereinsmesse Kaiserstuhlhalle" because its is not marked as public.
Skip ICAL event "Vereinsmesse Bürgersaal - Vorbereitung" because its is not marked as public.
Skip ICAL event "Weintagesitzung" because its is not marked as public.